Brand new League

I’m starting a new league. It would be a $20 12 team league using Fangraphs. The only thing I would require that other leagues don’t is each owner would have to share his contact info (cell number). I firmly believe that if guys in a league got to know each other a bit, the league would be stronger and more enjoyable.

Another option you should check out is creating your own slack workspace for your league. I’ve employed that in every league I commish and it’s worked wonders in connecting the league together.

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Thanks, Harold. Already working on it. Got 3 owners already, all are on Slack.

Interested in joining us?

Are you still looking for owners? I’m looking to add a league and will sign up if there’s still openings

Yes we are, we need 1 more team!

I would be interested. Let me know if you still need last piece.