Last minute / Slightly Late League Starting - Owners Needed

“Inglorious Bashers” - $9.99 tier for now (if we get a good group and there’s interest in rebooting with a higher tier down the road, it’ll be considered), FanGraph points and an 8:30 PM EST draft time this Sunday (going late but drafting again Monday evening, if needed).

Couple spots still opened. Message me for password, if interested!

Different league but recruiting started here, if interested or needing to know who else is signing up

Any spots left? I’d be interested.

I am looking for league that is starting early in the day Saturday to take full advantage of the weekend and daylight hours. I am a EDT player. Any chance that you could change . This Sunday is Easter Sunday.

Sorry - I have family down all weekend, so daytime is out. Sunday evening works for everyone else so far, so we won’t be making any changes to it.

There are. PM coming through with deets!

Interested in joining but wouldn’t be able to do the second half on Monday night due to work. If you guys need one more and are able to move the second half I’m in.

@qnix The 2nd half is much more flexible/subject to change, but we’ll be trying to get the whole draft done Sunday night so that our games can start Monday. I can’t promise that we can get the second date to work for everyone but we should be well through the main part of the draft before we throw in the towel anyways. If you’re interested, PM me and I’ll send you the league name/password.

Hey there, any more room in this league?

My weekend got completely turned upside down so I missed out on this. I hope your draft went well!

Anyone else still looking for a league? I’d be willing to start one and draft sometime this week. Let me know.

Sorry bud - filled up quickly. If something opens up, you’ll be the first person I reach out to

Sorry to hear that’s that your weekend fell apart. Hope you find something, bud.

I’m still looking!

Me too, any leagues open?

I could probably get one more in if you find a league that needs numbers.

Pick a league to join and I’ll come with, hopefully we can get a couple more if needed.

I had started a league, $9.99 and FG points, but it’s not gaining any traction:

I may end up joining one of the H2H leagues if I can’t get enough owners. Let me know what you guys end up doing.

Hi all—for those interested in a late starting league take a look at THE Pancho Colon Fan Club league. We have 5 owners now, and we hope to add a few more today putting us close to 12 prior to Saturday’s (4/7) draft. The league is designed to maximize owner commitment and engagement, hence the $50 fee and 6 playoff teams. Send any questions or notes if interested. Thanks!

Interested in getting into a league if open