Need a new owner for current auction!

Do you want to auction…now? Like mid-auction?

We just had an owner drop out mid-auction due to a family emergency. The auction is about 15 players into the auction, and could use a loving hand to guide it through the auction and through the summer.

We are auctioning via Couch Managers.

Please let me know. ASAP!!!

I could fill in if you’re still looking for someone.

I would very much appreciate that.

Please sign up with the team. Let me know if you struggle with signing up.

Once you’ve signed up, you’ll need to find our Couch Manager site. Please create a login for Couch Managers and let me know your email that you used and the login (I assume this would be your team name). Because we had someone resign from the league mid auction, I need CM to remove the old owner and replace them with your login information.

-Michael Edler

Go to

Once you’ve logged in, let me know the information I have requested and CM will take of the rest.

Cool? Thanks.

Definite struggle signing up.

Signed into Couch managers

All good, I’m in.