Cracking Down On Illegal Lineups in 2017

It’s totally fine if you’ve been grabbing players end of season, but ottoneu Fantasy Baseball would be better off if people couldn’t just spam auctions on the last day of the season. It undermines the market principles of the game.

Closing this thread as well.

EDIT: I messaged @k_lof as to why I closed this thread and the previous one, but just to be clear: all these arguments in this thread were already hashed out in the previous thread. The reason we have threads and not a temporal chat room is so people’s responses can be archived and referenced, so please read through the thread and only respond if you’re making a point no one else has considered yet, etc. Furthermore, this thread and the previous one are bordering on uncivil, and that’s not acceptable to me. Make your arguments, but please keep the histrionic language, personal insults, unnecessary sarcasm etc to a minimum.

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