Ottoneu Fantasy Baseball price changes in 2019

After considering the feedback regarding the keeper deadline as the global renewal deadline, we are going to stick with the January 31 deadline for both. Adding another date to the calendar adds complexity, and tying the keeper and renewal deadlines in football has worked well. The build up to the keeper deadline gets conversation going and decisions made about renewal earlier, and the penalty-free cuts feature is available as a last resort for commissioners to wield as they see fit.

This offseason there will be more feedback gathered about the date of the keeper / renewal deadline and potentially moving it back to February 15 in 2020. I do not want to introduce another moving part this offseason, but the feedback around the date resonated and it should be explored further.

There are important changes to the prize tiers as well. We are redistributing the prize pool in the $50 tier to ensure a third place prize. We are also introducing a $75 tier with a larger prize pool.

$50 Tier
1st place - $200
2nd place - $100
3rd place - $50

$75 Tier
1st place - $400
2nd place - $150
3rd place - $75

Once renewals are re-activated, commissioners will be able to select between the $20, $50, $75, $100, and $250 tiers.

Thank you for your continued support and passion and all of the great feedback in this thread.