About the Managers Wanted category

A great forum to recruit new/replacement managers, promote a new league, or find a league that fits your personality.

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As a reminder, you can also recruit owners who have made themselves available directly on the site:


Since I know a lot of you are here looking for new owners, remember to check out the Available Owners list linked to in my previous post!

Please do not use this forum to post about non-Ottoneu leagues. Take it to reddit or something.


Two things about this category:

  1. I’m rescinding the rule about non-Ottoneu leagues - I recognize there are some really good fantasy sports minds on this forum and I get that it might be a good way to reach them. Please keep it civilized and consider playing Ottoneu!

  2. Make sure to check out the Available Owners pages:
    Baseball - https://ottoneu.fangraphs.com/available
    Football - https://ottoneu.fangraphs.com/football/available

Those owners have updated their information in the last 30 days so they are actively seeking teams.


How do I post in the group?

You have to be on this site for about 25 minutes and read a few posts to get permissions to create a new topic.

As a reminder, new users can and do post to the Owners Seeking Leagues board:


Bumping this informational post. If you’ve posted a league here and had your teams filled, please try and post to your thread saying so.


It’s about that time for seeking replacement managers for fantasy baseball.

Make sure to check out the available managers board:
