Accessing old rosters

I was just curious if there’s any way to look back on old seasons and rosters on the site; I was thinking about putting together some documents for league history (and also trying to figure out what roster construction strategies might be best to move towards in the coming years), but wasn’t able to find any league history on the site. Is there any way for owners to access that info, or do the leagues mostly reset / remove that data when each new season turns over?

The best way to do this currently is go to the Lineups page. Once you mess around with moving back and forth in terms of the date, you can use the URL to go back to past dates that the date picker doesn’t make easily accessible.

I have messed around with a Team Roster Time Machine part of the site, but it certainly is not ready for prime time.


A history tab/option would be great to be able to go back and look at past seasons

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