Buster Posey (C) 2017 Auction Value

How much do you think Buster Posey is worth for 2017?

  • $39+
  • $34-$38
  • $29-$33
  • $24-$28
  • $23 or less
0 voters

I’m expecting a bounceback in AVG next year, if not power.

BABIP was down in 2016 - .303 vs .322 career.

But SLG has been falling for past three years - .490, .470, .434

Word was he was playing with various injuries down the stretch too.

I think he bounces back as well, but there is a very interesting divide between owners that think the top catchers are worth $35+, and those that think even the best catchers aren’t worth $30

Posey at .357 wOBA based on the early 2017 Steamer projections, FYI.