Cannot Abandon Teams

Hi. I am the commissioner of my Football league and I am trying to abandon teams of owners that left after last season. Whenever I try to abandon a team, I receive a message “You cannot abandon that team.” As a result, my league is not showing up on the “Join a League” page. Any suggestions?

Investigating right now

Ah, are your teams expired? If so, they can be picked up by new owners here:

Ah gotcha, thanks. If our league doesn’t fill before the season starts, will we still be able to disband?

Is there a reason one of those teams shows as expired, but has an owner? Does that mean someone could claim it or no? I thought after the grace period the owner was removed.

Yeah, best if you make a choice the day before the regular season starts, but yes.

Kind of an esoteric thing because of how late expirations happened this year. That team no longer has an owner.

Ah ok, it seemed like they were a new owner. Maybe they claimed the team after it was previously abandoned, and then it expired–from the message board they were asking for cuts, and updating the team block.

Oh I made a mistake! That team was claimed and owned, it should not have been on the expired teams list. I’ve restored that team’s ownership and removed it from the expired teams list.

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Oh ok, phew! Sorry, didn’t mean to insert myself, I was just looking at a couple of the teams and thinking of claiming one, heh.

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