Change to two-way players starting in the 2023 season

I’ll just chime in here with regards to timing, since that is the main concern I’m seeing.

I understand why people want more notice on changes like this. There is never a perfect amount of lead time for changes, no matter how marginal, in a game like Ottoneu. However, expecting changes to be implemented 1.5 years in the future limits Ottoneu’s ability to innovate and adapt. A 1.5 year lead time would also create confusion for what the rules are at any given time, and I’m not confident there’s any amount of lead time that would be immune from a “too soon” line of criticism.

I think 2/3 of a year, including a trade deadline, an arbitration period and a full off-season is plenty of time for any league to adapt to this change and similar, marginal changes to the site. Going forward, this should be the expectation - changes won’t come mid-season (as much as possible), but they will never be more than a year away, so that Ottoneu is never stuck in a purgatory of waiting for pending changes to finally go live before being able to consider other changes.