Couch Managers recommendations

oops, read this too late. any tips for what to do once that button is unchecked?

Email help at ottoneu dot com with league details

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Have you ever considered having you own slow draft format built within Ottoneu? Do you think it is feasible?

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I do not see any reason to do this.

I’m commissioner of a FG points league thinking about a slow draft using couchmanagers. If anyone has experience with this and can share any pain points, advice, that could be very helpful to us. A few owners have used a slow draft before but most of the league hasn’t. Thanks for any advice.

I think this thread is what you are looking for, at least for a start

Thanks Niv, as always

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Question as I am setting up a couch managers for our league and apologies if I missed in thread. What do you do when couch managers doesn’t recognize a player? can we create that player or block that spot/update budge?

Scroll to the very bottom of the page and there’s a link that says “Need a player added? Click here.” They’re pretty quick about adding, usually.