Football Draft is Frozen

I am in an Ottoneu Football draft right now that is frozen on a nomination. Does anyone know how to get this fixed?

Looking into it

Any idea on eta?

Our draft is working now. Thanks for the help!

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How do we put a player back in . Nobody was able to bid on Hopkins and he was won

The commissioner can remove that player from their current team and they’ll be available to auction again.

Frozen again

For as much as doesn’t go into prize pool this is a joke … how about a refund at this point ?

I’m looking at the issue

I’ll have a longer response about this tomorrow

Becoming a joke at this point

Keeps freezing , having to keep removing and adding players . 2 hours into the draft and 6 people have been drafted and now were talking canceling at this point . How is this happening , what is being done to ensure customer service standards are upkept ???

It’s just me running Ottoneu, and I’m looking at why the server is not handling draft traffic right now. I believe there are server settings that are the issue and I’m looking into them right now.

To be clear: I understand that this is frustrating and I agree that this is unacceptable. I’m actively looking into what is causing these draft problems, and I will have a longer answer tomorrow about what caused these issues and how we will be addressing these issues with those who were affected.

I have a write-up on what happened last night here:

I will be reaching out to some of you individually over the next few days as well.