Football Keeper Deadline Change Request

@nivshah With the deadline for NFL opt-outs being end of day August 4th can we move the keeper deadline back one week to August 7th to allow for better decision making? Thanks!


What we’ve done in my league is decide to extend penalty free cuts to any player who opts out between keeper deadline and auction (but not for any other reason).

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@walt526 I thought about going that route as well but the problem I have with that route is that I would potentially make different decisions for my keepers based on the opt outs.

We talked about this briefly in Slack and @walt526 and I talked about PF cuts because we weren’t sure about the deadline for opt-outs. With a concrete final date for opt-outs, I could see changing the deadline. I’ll have to explore it a bit today.

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This is done


Thanks @nivshah!