Football not allowing auctions to start from player pages

Just some feedback: if the calendar is going to advertise season end on December 31, then it needs to advertise all auctions need to start by December 30. Frustrated managers this morning.

Hm, I thought the last day for auctions was today. I must have been mistaken. I’ll add the last day for auctions to the league calendar.

This was a bug and has been fixed. Auctions can be started until 11:59pm ET today, as they will end tomorrow, the official last day of the Ottoneu Fantasy Football 2024 season.

The last day to start auctions now appears on the Calendar across all 3 sports.

To view the Calendar in Football or Basketball, click the “Calendar & Finances” link from the league home page.

To view the Calendar in Baseball, click the Tools icon.

Thanks Niv!

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