Introducing the Ottoneu Standings Forecaster!

Excited to introduce a new tool today - the Ottoneu Standings Forecaster! :crystal_ball:

Available through my Patreon today, the Ottoneu Standings Forecaster (“OSF” for short) is the best way to forecast rest-of-season performance and final standings based on actual in-season projections from FanGraphs.

I’ve built in functionality to see what your 99th percentile outcome looks like, evaluate your ROS depth charts, and (most fun!) a trade calculator to assess the ROS impact of those big deadline deals on your team’s performance & projected finish in the standings.

See below for a quick snapshot and be sure to check it out!

*Only supports 12-team FGPts leagues (Non-H2H)


Excited to announce that this tool has been updated and is now live for the 2024 season! Check it out at my Patreon, and feel free to reach out with any questions.

The Standings Forecaster is the last of 5 dedicated Ottoneu Tools I’ve released this offseason. See below for full details on each!