Is there a page where you can see other leagues that have already finished their auction?

I was hoping to look at some draft results from other leagues that have already finished their auctions this month. My quick hack for this is to look at the “recently completed trades” feed and identify leagues that are already making trades, but I doubt that’s an exhaustive method. Has anyone else figured out a quick/easy way to do this?

I mean, “quick/easy”? Heh. You could use the browse leagues endpoint or site to get the full list of leagues, then run a quick script to retrieve their settings page and parse the draft date element (if set or TBD) from the html–probably off hours? If you stored that and just checked on an ad-hoc basis for new dates, you could then go lookup results once dates have passed. You would likely miss slow auctions as I think they stay TBD, but that’s a minority of leagues.

Instead of scraping all leagues in some Quixotian quest for “accuracy”, I would recommend going here:

And looking at the Last 10 numbers or maybe considering the first year leagues only filter.

I would really really really appreciate it if “scraping the site” was not advice freely given out around here, as it costs us money and will eventually cause me to start rate limiting those of you who abuse our resources.

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They seemed less interested in aggregate data, but yeah if that was the goal last ten or first year leagues are a great option.

AWS, if you’re just looking to peruse draft results, to Niv’s point, maybe just use the browse leagues site, and find leagues similar to the settings of your league. As you can see on that page, there are only about 360 leagues, so that might be quick and easy to visit a sampling and find leagues post draft to look over transactions, without any sort of scraping.


That’s right too. It just depends on what your goal is. If you want directional pricing, Average Values has you covered. If you want anything more than that, you should be careful of making your sample too small, but the browse leagues page has you covered.


Also recommend the Draft Aggregator tool I’ve built & offer through Patreon, let me know if you have any questions!

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There have been several Ottoneu mock drafts completed on Couch Managers, that can be used as a frame of reference for current market values for players. The results can be downloaded and aggregated to quick reference.

If you are on the Ottoneu Slack you could also just put out a request for anyone who knows of a league that is done drafting to post the league #.