Manager wanted- $75 FGPTS League

We are looking for an industrious manager who to take on a rebuilding project/opportunity in a competitive FGPTs league:

Pls reply if you have any interest. The current owner is dropping out and you can take over now.

Hey, I am interested if the team is still available.

Yep the team is available. Are you familiar with how Fangraph’s points work and the arbitration system for allocating $ after the season? (which is what we use)? Do you have any questions about the league itself?

I am familiar with arbitration and fangraphs points, I have a few years of experience with ottoneu and am looking to get back into a few leagues. Is there anything unique about the league’s, rules-wise or otherwise?

That’s great. Nothing unique about our league. We started it in 2013 and there are four original owners, with the rest having joined at various. Points. You are welcome to the team if you’d like it. Just let me know, and I can switch out the owner today.

That would be great, my username is leifer.

Fantastic- done. Welcome to our league