More information in trade rejection emails

Somewhat related, but it would be a nice addition in trade rejection emails if the email itself included details of the original offer. For instance, it would be helpful to include “your trade of X for Y was rejected in A league…”, followed by the rejection comments.

The reason for this addition is because it is not always easy to remember the specifics of the trade you offered if the response comes a day or three after it is offered/rejected. This is especially true for those playing in multiple leagues.

While it is possible to go to the trade history page to see this information, that page is somewhat difficult to navigate, especially on mobile.


This was not related to the prior thread so I broke it into a new thread :slight_smile:

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This all makes sense to me. I’ll look into it as soon as I can.

As an aside/reminder, once the trade history loads you should be able to filter trades by player and/or team name, which may be helpful in the meantime.

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All trade emails will now show the trade proposal and any comments. Previously this was true about accepted trades, but now going forward will be true about withdrawn and rejected trades as well.