More than one Six Picks entry for a user

I have been finding it equally challenging and fun to utilize the lower end of the $$$ players available. $6 SixPicks not only has a nice ring to it, it seems to be a good limit for a daily lineup. Highest max player would be $3.50, if the other 5 were $.50. A few of us have a Group “In Two Clubs ($6 Max)” to track each others $6 Line-ups. We’ve had some top ten performances this month! Join us if you’d like for now.

My ask is that there be a seperate $6 SixPicks, that would allow players to have a line-up in each, $6 and $120.

Thx Yo

Six Picks will remain one entry per user.

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I think you could form a group and have a gentleman’s agreement to a $6 limit per day.

yes, this is what we’ve done