New 14 Team Ottoneu FGPTs Leauge ($20) - Starting over from scratch!

Hey Everyone – I just started a new Fangraphs Points, 14 team, $20 league.

I have been taking over teams for the past few years and have enjoyed it. However, I have had the desire to start from scratch for some time now. The thought of auctioning off Acuna, Soto, and everyone else intrigues me.

I am looking for 13 other like-minded owners looking for some competitive fun.

If you are an Ottoneu veteran…great!
If you are new to Ottoneu and looking for a place to dive in…great!
If you are just an Office fan and like the league’s name (The Finer Things Club)…great!

It is a standard 14-team Ottoneu Fangraphs Points league. I thought the 14 would pose a little more challenge than the traditional 12.

We’ll draft in two different nights so that we divide up the 9-hour marathon.

Reach out to me with any questions.

Sign up here:

Matt (Comish)

I’m in man! Would love to join.

Awesome! Sign on up. Let me know if you need any help.


We have filled up 5 spots, we are looking for 9 more owners. Contact me if you are interested, or just sign up.

6 spots now…

Have any more openings? I an interested.

Sorry - the league is full