Official scoring change timing

When do official scoring changes typically take effect in Ottoneu?

I saw this tweet from an Astros beat writer and was curious when to expect updates to Arighetti’s start on 9/4.

Probably tomorrow morning.

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I’ve seen this change reflected on ESPN today but it looks like it hasnt been updated yet on fangraphs. I’ll keep an eye on it.

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We check on a rolling 30 days so it’ll show up soon

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I’m seeing the change in fangraphs box score now so I bet it will be reflected on ottoneu soon. Still showing 121 era for now. Can’t wait to see 40 instead, lol

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100% tomorrow morning. Sorta surprised it didn’t show up this morning, but its a little race-condition-y between when we re-run for scoring changes and when FG loads their data overnight.

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Player page showing 3 ER for 9/4.

The stats on the Today’s Stats are generated separately but I believe your standings in a 4x4 or 5x5 league should reflect 3 ER.

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So the day of stat page won’t update eventually?

It will, but his runs are already out of your ERA

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Awesome! Thanks for confirming Niv. It’s an important time of year when it comes to tracking ratios.

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@nivshah I appreciate all you do to make ottoneu great.

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Thanks for the kind words!

They Todays Stats page is reflecting the updated Arrighetti line