Option to withdraw winnings via check

Today I’m happy to roll out a new prize and refund withdrawal option: printed check! This is available to users in the United States and Canada on the site right now.

When you click the Withdraw button, you’ll now be given this popup:

The Digital Transfer button is powered by Paydala, and has been used successfully by over 300 users since being available. If for whatever reason you do not want to use this option, you can click the Check button.

You’ll see this address form, which you should fill out with the name you want the check made out to as well as where you want the check sent. That is all there is to it - your check should be mailed via our partner once we do some processing.

A couple of notes:

  1. I will be manually verifying the first few checks sent out, so there may be a bit of a delay initially.

  2. Our partner only allows us 50 checks per month. I don’t imagine this being a huge problem, but the Mailed Check button will be disabled if we are at the monthly check limit. This number should reset at the start of each month, and I will monitor demand to see if we need to work something else out.

Let me know if you have any questions. As always, thank you so much for supporting Ottoneu Fantasy Sports.