I created the beginning of a Google Chrome browser extension to help add extra data to the Ottoneu interface. Right now all it does is show points per game and points per innings pitched on the ‘Set Lineups’ page for Ottoneu points leagues. I’m planning on adding support for more pages and league types in the future. Let me know if there’s anything else you want to see in there.
Awesome work. Thanks man!
Updated to v1.1. Fixed a bug that ignored fractions of an inning for pitchers. Next feature is points rates on playercards.
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Very nice work, thanks!
I did notice I do not see the points per inning for some leagues, but not for all. Based on an error I ran into somewhere else, I wonder if it has to do with that points are stored in a different column between a FGPTS and SABRPTS league. In my FGPTS league I see the values, in SABR I don’t.
That is exactly the issue haha. I’m in a FGPts league so that went first. Mind giving me the league ID for the SABRPts league so I can check it out and add support?
Hey @varsityshortcut , not sure if you ever tried fixing this, but the issues still seems to exist. I was wondering if you’d be willing to share your Chrome Extension files / code, so I can take a stab at it without starting from scratch?
Yeah sorry been super busy last few weeks but will have time to add an option for SABR pts by the end of the week.
OK just updated to v1.2 @rjweise. Added support for SABR pts leagues (click the icon and go to the ‘Options’ setting). Also fixed a small bug for hitters with fractions of a pt. Player cards are still on the menu!
probably a dumb question, but my options menu item is greyed out. Any way to turn that on?
Thanks for making the update though!
Click ‘Developer mode’ then the ‘Update extensions now’ button to force a manual update.
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v2.0 is here! I added support for playercards so you can see yearly rates for players.
Now that P/IP and PPG are on the lineup page I’ll be removing those from the extension. It will still work on the player cards (unless it gets added to the default UI).
OK I’m just going to kill the browser extension because there’s already P/G on player cards and the lineup page. Not really worth adding it to the roster page. Thanks for using it everyone!
After talking it over with @varsityshortcut, I’ve taken the code for the browser extension and put it into GitHub. It is open and available for others to tinker with it as they see fit.
I was talking it over with @LuckyStrikes and we thought the Chrome extension could be used for those of you who keep off-the-books prospects or other game mods.
I also think it is important to have these kinds of community tools to encourage tinkering and pushing the platform forward - after all, the main feature the extension was originally created for is now on the site.
Anyway, tinker away. I might play around with the extension sometime in the next few weeks as well.