Ottoneu Lockdown League Thread, June 2020


Houston is also retaining 100% of Alonso’s salary this year.
@damgagnon to confirm.

Baltimore confirms and is excited to have Polar Bear Alonso on board

Wow! What a trade.

Woah…just saw this.

My interest in this game has gone down to 10%…

I wouldn’t be so harsh as this and I don’t want to shame anyone.

After sleeping on it, I think we should all acknowledge that if we are putting a player on the trade block, they should be made available for at least 24 hours. There is no way Pete Alonso was properly shopped around the league in 3 hours from being made available.

If you aren’t interested in waiting a bit and taking 24 hours to trade a player, then let me know.

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Is there a list someplace that shows team names and manager names? When people post here that they have players available, etc. I lose track pretty quickly which team they own. Thanks.

Click on your username in game -> Other Human Managers

24 hour rule is frankly infeasible. Even if one player in a deal was on the block for a day, what about all the other players? What if the deal slightly changes and includes non-OTB players?

We’re all adults here, and it’s just a game folks.

We landed in Slack on this being more of a guideline for owners to reasonably keep in mind, not a hard rule.

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