Owners wanted for new $50 H2H League

A new brand-new Ottoneu league for players who are committed to a competitive baseball league.

Scoring format - H2H FanGraphs Points

Tier - $50

Number of total teams - 12

Auction draft date - soon after league is filled

Lineups - Daily

H2H Matchups per week - 1

Playoffs - yes - 4 teams make playoffs

Link is here - https://ottoneu.fangraphs.com/processinvite?code=eyJMZWFndWVJRCI6IjEyMjkiLCJJbnZpdGVyIjoiZnJrZWxseTEiLCJJbnZpdGVySUQiOiIyMDUwNzAifQ==

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