P/G for pitchers in addition to (?) P/IP

Hey Niv, Thank you for an amazing site and otttoneu experience. Another question for Head to Head. Would it be possible to add points/game stats for pitchers. In head to head P/G is an important way to undertand pitcher value, particularly for relievers that pitch multiple innings and for starters that may have lower P/IP but go longer in game. Thanks!

I think given the already packed experience especially on mobile, showing both P/G and P/IP is too much. P/IP for pitching has been preferred by points players in the past (similar to P/G preference over P/AB or P/PA for hitters), but if that view has changed I’m happy to change this.

It should be noted that for non-H2H, there is a IP cap (hence P/IP) and a games cap (hence P/G). That’s why we show what we show, and I don’t see any reason to change that. If there was more space, we would show a lot more things!

I hear you. Agree that P/G makes sense for head to head, not for other formats w inning limits. What percent of leagues are H2H? Thanks for considering

Less than the tyranny of season long points :joy::joy:


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