Player named "$1" in Other Players

Did anyone ever answer what the penalty is for starting an auction and not bidding? I started an auction and forgot to bid on the player and no one else bid, I now have a roster spot taken up with a player whose name appears to be $1… and I lost $1 in cap space as well as the roster spot… I can understand the cap hit, but the roster space being tied up or lost seems a big penalty.

There’s no “penalty.” You can’t start an auction without bidding so if you don’t bid the system defaults your bid to the minimum for that player ($1 unless the player was previously cut and has a higher min bid).

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The penalty I am referring to is that I have 36 players on my roster, but according to the roster list I have 37. Where is the 37th player I ask? The answer is that I have a player named “$1” in my Other Player section. I can not release this player names “$1” because when I go to “cut players” tab he is not there and only 36 players names are there. So I ask again where is this mysterious “$1” player that I can not cut? Thanks for any help you have.

Ok, this morning I refreshed my roster page and the mysterious $1 player is gone…! My adieu about nothing, sorry to waste your time.

No worries - not sure what that was or why it happened but glad it resolved.

Were you possibly on the roster organizer and not the roster page? The organizer lets you add things like “$1” as a player, though I don’t believe you can move them to “other players” hmm…really odd.

I’m breaking this out into a tech support thread because it has basically nothing to do with where it was originally posted.

If you see the $1 player show up, please share a link to your team with a screenshot.

I believe it’s this team, no?

I’m kinda worried it’s a “dollar for every open roster spot” situation, based on recent cuts.

Well, I don’t know if that’s the team and I am not sure why you think that’s the team. The OP also wrote they had a player named “$1” in Other Players and now they don’t, so I am focused on that part of the message.

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Yes it is. Like I said in post of earlier today, the issue resolved itself this morning and the “$1” player in my “Other players” section is gone, my roster number matches the number of players and everything is good. So there is no longer a screen shot I can send because it is fixed. Thanks and sorry for the trouble.


Thanks Nivshah. The problem is resolved as of about 30 minutes ago when I refreshed my roster page. I now have players that match the number of roster spots occupied and all is good. Sorry for the trouble since it was a 48 hour problem is all.

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Because I spent five minutes looking around before posting, heh. But yeah, agree that was the thing to focus on, glad it all worked out.


A team in our league won an auction for Leodalis De Vries for $1. De Vries didn’t get added to his team, but the $1 was counted against his salary cap. Also, his team page shows that his roster has 36 players but his lineups page shows that he has 37 players. I need to get De Vries added to his team for $1 but also remove the phantom $1 penalty. Here is the team that is having issues. Thanks for any help!

Well @doorbot was right here. I am looking into it.

This happened because of a dupe Leodalis De Vries in the system that I must have been deleting around the same time he was getting added to that team. I’ve fixed it so the team now has the ‘right’ Leodalis De Vries

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Sorry for the double post, no one told me they had already reached out to get it fixed. Everything looks good now. Thanks so much for your help, Niv.

No problem at all. You confirmed the team and I dug into it properly this time.

Thanks Niv and commish… the issue is 100% fixed now. Great work.