What site is used to determine player positional eligibility? Taysom Hill is listed at QB and I’m wondering when/if he’ll gain other positions.
We use Sportradar’s positions pretty directly. Unlike basketball, they do a good job with football positions.
Taysom Hill is the 4th QB on the depth chart and nowhere else for the Saints.
Thanks Niv
I’m keeping an eye on Taysom Hill and if the Saints update their online depth chart with him at TE, I’ll talk to Sportradar about his position.
Thanks. I’m not sure they will ever list him at another position due to the emergency QB rule.
Other platforms are listing him as QB/TE. If Sportradar plans to strictly follow the Saint’s official depth chart, he’s probably a drop. I just don’t want to drop him and see him get eligibility down the line
I saw this yesterday from @mmaude
I can’t speak to if he’ll get eligibility down the line or not. We rely entirely on Sportradar for this stuff. I also can’t speak to if this sheet is accurate or real. But if this is what the Saints are sharing, then I would expect their website to update to reflect it, and I’d further expect Sportradar to move him from QB to TE.
Depth chart is showing Taysom Hill at TE now. I’m going to reach out to Sportradar but I expect he will be TE before the Saints first game.
Sportradar has confirmed that they will update player positions based on how they are listed on the team’s official roster. Taysom Hill should move from QB to TE in Ottoneu tomorrow sometime I believe.
Confirming that Taysom Hill is now showing up as a TE.
Yep. Thanks