Setting lineups not working

I don’t think the function is working right now

Could you explain in what ways you aren’t able to set lineups - links to your team, what you’re running into, any errors, etc?

I have set my lineup for week 1.

I’m in the same league and having similar issues. I just simply can’t do anything to set my lineup. It won’t let me move players into roster positions. No errors just all the player options are still the dark blue when selecting a roster position.

League: Ottoneu Fantasy Football - The Legal Eagles - Index
Team: Ottoneu Fantasy Football - The Legal Eagles - Lineup

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This league doesn’t seem to have a schedule generated for this season. I’ll spend a little time today figuring out why.

This should be fixed for y’all

Yup it’s fixed now. Thanks Niv!

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We are having the same issue in league 171. I thought it was just not enabled Ottoneu wide but after seeing this post, I realize we also do not have a schedule generated.

I’ll spend a little time in a bit going through any leagues that the system has marked as having generated a schedule but doesn’t have a schedule yet.

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Appreciate it, thank you!

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Should be fixed for the remaining 7 leagues that were affected.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Setting playoff lineups

Tried to change my lineup at 12:15 on Sunday and it wouldn’t save my change, It cost me a win this week. Now I still cant change my lineup and it shouldn’t be locked since its a new week. I’m getting real tired of this sites’ constant bugs.

Can you give me details about your team? Is it in a legal state and are you logged in? What errors do you get when trying to set lineups?

Wednesdays between midnight and 2am ET the site showed the previous week’s results instead of the upcoming week’s matchup. This has been changed so that the upcoming matchup will show in this time period.

I am not sure what happened Sunday at 12:15 (not sure if AM or PM or what timezone), but in the future you can email if you are having any issues with the site.