Spamming "Cut Player" Button Triggers Blank Emails

When you cut a player, if you click the “Cut Player” button multiple times, each click generates an email notification. The first email is the correct notification regarding the player that was cut. Each subsequent email says “The following players have been cut” but doesn’t include any players.

I’ll look into this, but consider not spam-clicking a button.

What sport is this?

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This is in football. I spam clicked the button just because I was curious if it would trigger an email for each time. I noticed it initially because my league semi-frequently gets a single blank email, and I was curious if it was because someone was accidentally double clicking the button.

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What browser are you using?

I’m using Chrome on the latest macOS. I’ve noticed it from a few different teams in my league, not sure if they’re all using Chrome or not.

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This should be fixed. @dtfischer with a Bug Catcher badge, that one was floating out there for a while!

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