Startup 12 team $100 5x5 League 1705, Looking For Managers

Hello! I’m starting up a new league here because I can’t get enough Ottoneu :slight_smile: This will be my third league (1077) on Ottoneu and the second one that I will be the commish of (1439). Looking for active managers that want to do this for the long term.

Right now the league is set to private but is open to everyone. I’m just trying to keep out any bots and/or the user that is in like 80+ leagues and isn’t active. If you’d like to join, I’m happy to send you the password.

If you have any questions, just shoot me a message…I’m usually quick to respond.

The .406 League - 1705



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We are now up to 6 managers and only need 6 more…now that football is winding down or has ended, now is the time to join this startup league.

Join us by clicking here…