Stats Misaligned

Just bumping this as it came to mind from the H2H match scores. Weird thing is, in the screenshot below, the page hadn’t been refreshed since just before the CHW/LAD game. Kershaw’s stats show right, but Clevinger and Pressly (who pitched after the last refresh) showing weird.

Right, HR and IP are swapped here if I recall correctly? And a refresh puts those stats in the right columns?

Correct. A refresh will make everything OK. The issue is pitchers that start since the last refresh. Though, its not every time…but the vast majority.

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Sorry, I misspoke. It is not that HR and IP are swapped. It is that IP shows in the right-most column and all others shift one column to the left.

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I’ll spend some time on this tomorrow and Friday.

Sounds good Here’s another example…still haven’t refreshed, but Alexis Diaz is showing properly. Weird.

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Alright I think I got to the bottom of this. Should be fixed.