The BAT Projections (2023)

I’m running some historical comparisons of projection systems, and seems I didn’t save the bat projections from FG for 2023. Any chance anyone has them saved for hitters and pitchers and could share via Google doc?

Just bumping this one time to see if anyone can help out

I can try. Are you looking for THE BAT or THE BATX? Pitchers/hitters/both?

Looking for the BAT for both pitchers and hitters (BATX doesn’t have pitchers). I should note that I’m looking for the pre-season full season for 2023 that usually posted on Fangraphs.

Would be awesome if you were able to dig them up!

Ok, let me pull what I can and share it here.

I talked to David at FanGraphs about this, and he said he actually gets requests for projections from previous seasons a lot. So now we are discussing if it makes sense to add a season dropdown to the projections leaderboard. I am pausing on pulling The BAT 2023 stuff I have access to for right this very minute in lieu of other priorities but will revisit if David finds this to be too onerous a dropdown to add.


Excellent - appreciate your help on this, Niv!

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