Am I doing the math wrong or are the prizes listed wrong in the ‘prize terms’?
1st. $600
2nd. $200
3rd. $100
$900 paid out
12 teams at $100 is $1200 prize pool
We are paying $300 per league here?
Am I doing the math wrong or are the prizes listed wrong in the ‘prize terms’?
1st. $600
2nd. $200
3rd. $100
$900 paid out
12 teams at $100 is $1200 prize pool
We are paying $300 per league here?
Probably so niv can afford to run ottoneu for all of us
I do appreciate this post. I always thought the fees were $20 per team as the rules page states. (rules page states “starts at $20 per team” i missed that key word “starts”) Interesting you end up paying $25 per team in $100 leagues and the fees are even more in $250 or $500 leagues.