Congrats to all of you who did well in your 2017 Ottoneu Fantasy Baseball season. I hope to have prizes paid out by early next week at the latest. I’m spinning up this thread to allow anyone to ask questions or raise concerns they may have.
- Prizes are paid via PayPal to the email address of the team owner. You don’t need to have a PayPal account.
- You can confirm where your prize money will be sent on your user settings. We cannot manually send prize money to alternate email addresses.
- If a prize-winning team is co-owned, one owner, the one that is listed first on the team page, will get paid the prize. I trust that if you’re able to work out co-owning an Ottoneu team you can work out splitting the prize money.
I think that’s it, but if you have other questions let me know and if they are broad questions I will make sure to update this post.