AB in 5x5 League Standings Table


I’m trying to pull in standings data for all 5x5 Ottoneu leagues for purposes of calculating denominators to use for Standings Gain Points (SGPs) valuations of players based on historical data for this format.

The second table of the League Standings page (e.g., Ottoneu Fantasy Baseball - standings - Foulballs) does not have AB, only hitter games played. Because the denominator for AVG is AB not G, I’m not able to collect all the data that I need to calculate a SGP denominator.


Would you consider adding AB to the second table on the League Standings page or, if space does not allow, replace Games with AB? The total for hitter Games Played can be calculated using data for the fourth table on the page (i.e., the total games played by position).

The League Production pages do have AB; however, this would entail quite a bit more scraping given that League Production is displayed on a separate page for each team rather on a single table for the entire league.


I plan to make the SGP denominators and the underlying data available on this forum and on Slack. In addition, these additional data will be helpful for others using 5x5 League Standings page better understand their performance in AVG (e.g., estimate the likelihood of passing another team).

You can scrape all you want (well, within reason / until you start breaking the servers), but when you start asking for things to be added to websites for scraping purposes, you really start losing me.

Generally people who scrape websites don’t then go to the website and ask for more information to scrape. Either there’s a proper way to get that data or what you are doing is abusing server resources in an automated way and you should keep your head down.

Anyway and unrelated to any of this and apropos of nothing, team production pages have ABs.

I’m explaining my specific interest, but on a fundamental level it makes no sense to not provide AB in the League Standings table. I realize you don’t play 5x5 much, but what you need associated to make sense of AVG is its denominator (AB), not Games Played (and Games Played is available elsewhere on the page).

Please reconsider.

BTW, if there’s an Ottoneu API, please let me know and I’ll happily use that rather than scrape.

Take the webscraping out of it: I’d like to calculate SGP denominators for my own leagues. I can’t do that given the current layout of the League Standings page.

Okay. If you’re not going to provide basic functionality of the site, then why not make it accessible via low intensity scraping?

You can use the Team Production page to get ABs like I said in my original reply. Putting the scraping aside, that shows how many ABs each team had at each position and should have everything you want as a result.

Asking for more work to make your scraping life easier remains kind of a weird ask to me, and this would be at best very low priority to help your scraping out.

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I’ve been a loyal customer for years and put up with a LOT of bullshit over the past year with your inability to sort out payments properly. If you don’t want to lose another customer for 2024, kindly add the basic data.

I was being kind about it, but truth be told the failure to incorporate AB in the first place demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding of how categories works. You need a denominator to make sense of rate stats.

Please correct the poor design on your part.

Like I wrote to you in Slack, its a lot of work, and Team Production has what you want, and to be extremely explicit about what I was jokingly pointing out in my first post, I am totally fine with you scraping that page and in fact recommend it, because like I said, adding ABs to the Standings page is a big lift for helping out someone’s scraping.