Basketball and Football player universes

We are now generating player universes for basketball and football. These include top-level players (NBA/NFL) only and have the following information:

  • Our Player ID
  • Name
  • Professional Team
  • Position eligibility

These are updated daily at 5am ET.



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Does this mean we can’t roster NCAA players anymore?

Lol no, just doing something quick for those of you who are putting basketball sheets together.

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Because this was pointed out as confusing, these player universes now contain every single player in the player universe, pro, college and for the NBA G-League as well.

Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying. And it will be a great resource!

The basketball player universe will now include ESPN, NBA, Basketball Reference, and STATS IDs. This should help anyone interested in cross-referencing the Ottoneu player universe against these resources.

Thanks to @higginsford for getting these IDs mapped.


Would it be possible to add a column to the player universe exports that indicates whether the player is NBA/NFL or NCAA? Right now the “Pro Team” column includes abbreviated pro team or their college team. I can construct the college/pro indicator myself, but if it’s just adding a field to the query that generates these files it would make these files more usable for other people.

Also, just a FYI that the player id maps don’t appear to have been updated in a while.

One last question: now that the keeper deadline has passed, the positions listed for Ottoneu Basketball universe in these files are frozen for all of 2023-24, right?

Thanks so much.

For college players, its easy enough because their class (FR/SO/JR/SR) is there. For G-League and International basketball players it becomes more complicated, so adding a field here is unlikely.

I don’t know what this is referring to and if you see a bug please start a Tech Support thread and I will track it there.

Yep, positions are now locked, which I’ll mention in the relevant thread as well.

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The second column of the football player universe has always been “Is Pro Player” - a 0 value is a college player and a 1 value is a NFL player.

I’ve added, as I mentioned in the related TechSupport thread, a similar Level column to the basketball player universe.

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Do folks uses to help with draft preparation, or also in season strategy?
