Changes to new leagues, including expanded draft windows

Today we’re expanding when newly created Ottoneu Fantasy Baseball leagues can draft. Drafts can now take place any time in the off-season. Previously new leagues could only draft after the keeper deadline. If you create and fill a new league, you can draft and start playing Ottoneu Fantasy Baseball immediately.

Any league that set lineups in the previous season will continue to have to wait until after the keeper deadline to draft.

We’re also making a change to the renewal date for leagues created during the MLB regular season. If you create a new league after July 1 but during the MLB regular season, you will get to play Ottoneu Fantasy Baseball for free during your partial season. For example, if you decide to try out Ottoneu in July 2021 and create and pay for a new league, your league will not be asked to renew its teams until January 2023. If you start a new prize league midseason, you are encouraged to play out the season but prizes will not be paid out until the end of your league’s first full year. When you create a league, the page will indicate when your league will need to be renewed.

I hope these changes will make it easier to try out Ottoneu Fantasy Baseball and see why people fall in love with the game. If you are thinking about creating a new league, there isn’t a better time than right now.