End of the 2024 Football Season thread

The Ottoneu Fantasy Football season is over. Congrats to everyone who won their leagues!

Here is the upcoming schedule:

  1. Rosters locked starting tomorrow (1/1/2025)
  2. Salary increases applied Friday (1/3/2025)
  3. Prizes put into prize tracker by next Monday (1/6/2025). These should be immediately available for withdrawal.

We had some issues last year, but I believe they shouldn’t show up again this year. Maybe some new and exciting issues, let’s find out.

I’ll update this thread as things move forward. Feel free to email help@ottoneu.com with any questions.

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This process should kick off in the next hour.

Salary increases have been applied. Please review your teams and let me know if you see any issues. Prizes will be sent on Monday. As a reminder, you have 3 options with prizes now:

  1. You can use your prize balance to pay for any team renewal fees
  2. You can use a digital transfer via Paydala to get your money into your bank account within 3-5 business days.
  3. You can withdraw any prize money via printed check

If you need any other options, please email help@ottoneu.com

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A post was split to a new topic: Available vs Expired Teams

I straight up forgot to do this. Prizes will be sent out today.

Ottoneu Fantasy Football prizes have been sent out based on the results of the 2024 season. Congrats to everyone who won their leagues and otherwise won a prize! I greatly appreciate all of you who play Ottoneu Fantasy Football and continue to support Ottoneu Fantasy Sports.

Consider getting one of our new Ottoneu Fantasy Football t-shirts with some of your prize money!

Please email me at help@ottoneu.com if you have any questions.