Due to the pandemic and people having other priorities right now, we’re going to extend football arbitration until at least April 1, 2020. Once we get closer to that date, we may extend again if necessary.
Due to the pandemic and people having other priorities right now, we’re going to extend football arbitration until at least April 1, 2020. Once we get closer to that date, we may extend again if necessary.
Those of you who play Ottoneu Fantasy Football - would you be interested in another extension to arbitration? @haroldlutz just asked me for one, and I know @5TOOLER is out there trying to find a replacement owner. Anyone else care to chime in?
Based on your feedback, we will not be extending football arbitration again. Seems like most people are ready to get into trading.
Thanks Niv for the original extension, I got most of my owners through the process by the deadline.
I’m noticing the salaries didn’t update yet though!
Hey I just woke up, give me a minute
But first you know maybe get some coffee, no hurry, hope you are well!
Football arbitration should now be finalized. You can now trade in Ottoneu Fantasy Football.
6 posts were split to a new topic: Can’t initiate trades in Ottoneu Fantasy Football