Official Thread for Fantasy Baseball Player Addition

Jasson Dominguez has been added

Marco Luciano with the Giants
No Fangraphs page yet
Signing details in this link:

Last one, promise. :wink:

Robert Pauson, SS, Oakland Athletics

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Robert Puason has been added

I found this player in the database:

It doesn’t seem likely that Marco Luciano, who signed on July 1, is this same player… but I’ll have to do a little investigating.

Ok @ClownPrince tricked me and shared a press release from 2018. Marco Luciano has been in the system and the link I shared yesterday is the correct player. He is player ID 33646 in Ottoneu.

No idea what happened on Marco. I couldn’t pull him up in any of my leagues, and I believe I had the minor league box checked. Then last night, during the HR derby, wallah! There he was. So, great outcome and apologies for any inconvenience.


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Please add Josh Jung 3B, Tex.

Josh Jung has been added

A post was merged into an existing topic: Austin Adams, wrong news feed

JJ Bleday, the Marlins first round pick signed.

Please add Lazaro Armenteros, OF in OAK system

Please add Daniel Espino (CLE pitcher) to the player database.

J.J. Bleday has been added

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He’s already in the system as “Lazarito” (player ID 23664) and will have his name updated today.

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Daniel Espino has been added

Can you add Alek Manoah, P, (TOR).

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Alek Manoah has been added

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Can you add Matthew Allan? Thanks.

Matthew Allan has been added.

As a reminder (related to the last 2 requests), for new draftees please include a link showing they’ve signed with a major league team. Generally “agreed to terms” is not quite enough as those kinds of deals have been known to be broken. I looked up the last two, but it makes it easier and faster for me if I don’t have to hunt around for a signing confirmation.

Thanks y’all!