Official Thread for Fantasy Baseball Player Addition

Kohei Arihara has been added.

can you add yerry rodriguez in texas rangers system

Yerry Rodriguez is in there.

Will you add Emerson Hancock, Seattle Mariners system? Thanks!

Emerson Hancock is already in there as well:

Please search for these players with the “All” level filter before asking them to be added.

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Sorry! My bad. I forgot about the “All” filter.

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Please add Wilman Diaz to the Fgpts pool. Dodgers international signing period 2021: Wilman Diaz, Jesus Galiz, etc - True Blue LA

Wilman Diaz has been added

A post was merged into an existing topic: Players in the database twice

Please add Hirokazu Sawamura, BOS, RP:

He seems to be in the system already but without a position. He will have RP for this season, should take hold tomorrow.


Pedro León has been added

Please add Hirokazu Sawamura - P - BOS

Here are two posts in this thread that are three and two posts above your post

My apologies - I should remember that the scrolling feature is my friend.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Manually added players not showing up

Why can’t I pull Pedro Leon up in my league? I’ve searched every way imaginable and can’t find him?

Have you tried the “all” level?

Got it, thanks