Ottoneu Baseball Championship Badge

This thread is for the community badge. Not 100% sure if you are asking for a championship badge from the 2019 season (which I’ll happily grant!) or something else.

Zucchini Monster

Spuds & Such

Spud Trades-a-lot

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Portland Mavericks

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The Bronx Empire
Ottoneu Parks and Rec League

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The Gritty Committee Ottoneu Fantasy Baseball - team - Republic of Knowles - The Gritty Committee 🟠 🏆

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Played two leagues and took the :trophy: in both (380 and 389)!

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Castor Troy’s Face/Off

@admins following up.

Oops I missed a whole chunk of these! I’ll get to them later on.

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Yes, sorry. Was asking for the 2019 championship badge to be awarded. I won in 2019 and it wasn’t awarded somehow. It seems like are entire 2019 season records were erased…not sure what happened, we definitely played.

Community badges have to be requested and are manually granted

Big in Japan

I got credit for one of these wins. Could I get the other two as well, please? Thanks!

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Can you get the Championship Badge retroactively?

Yep just link to the standings page.

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Alright well now you can only get championship badges from the most recently finished season.

I kid, I kid.

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953: 2021, 2019: Ottoneu Fantasy Baseball - standings - Harry Caray Memorial League

120: 2021, 2020: Ottoneu Fantasy Baseball - standings - Fourteenth Inning Stretch

725: 2021 Ottoneu Fantasy Baseball (champs b, no longer active)


Just realizing I failed to post for my 2019 win: Ottoneu Fantasy Baseball - standings - No Soft Toss Here

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A couple more of these, please.

Otto Five

Otto Three

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