See Draft Results for other leagues

Is there a method where we can see recently completed Drafts? On Slack I see players posting their league numbers, however don’t know how to get to their league to view.


Generally you can just replace your leagues number with another one to navigate to the same page in a different league. For example:
but you can change the “99” to whatever league you like (if it exists)

This also works with other pages (as long as the page does not require you are in the league to view, i.e. Auction Draft page)

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Thank you for the explanation

Sorry for the off-topic reply, but you guys mentioned the Slack channel. How do you get invited to that?


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Does anyone have a list of leagues that have already completed their 2019 draft?

I believe @vibbot was just working on this. There’s also this mostly working link:

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Thanks Niv. The average salaries list for new leagues is a respectable proxy, and one that I hadn’t thought of using. Much appreciated.

After a ridiculous amount of poking around, I found the following handful of leagues, (current as of 2/22/2019, but very far from complete):

793 4x4
248 Fangraphs Points
834 Fangraphs Points
844 Fangraphs Points
846 Fangraphs Points
853 Fangraphs Points
845 H2H FG Points
860 H2H FG Points

Would you be willing to add the “Export to .csv…” feature to the draft results page? It would make them more usable for those of us who are geeking out on auction prep. :grinning:

Finally, it’s an unheralded but cool feature of Ottoneu that we can see what’s happening in other leagues. I’m not aware of any other fantasy sports platform that provides such transparency, and it really adds to the richness of the gameplay experience. Thank you!

Make a Wishlist post!

How many First Year Leagues are included in those average values right now?

There are 21 leagues as of right now that are included in there. Some of those leagues haven’t drafted, obviously.

Got it. So the 38%own shows that 8 of the 21 leagues have drafted. Thanks