Unable to renew team outside US

It seems payment processing for renewals has switched to something called Paydala, which is only available in the US. When I try to renew it goes to the screen showing their logo then doesn’t go anywhere else. Will alternatives be available for those of us outside the US to be able to renew our teams?


Our payment processer changed over a year ago. If you played Ottoneu in 2024, you used this payment processor.

Please review the FAQ:


I think I was able to renew while visiting the US last year. According to their website it only works inside the US.

We’ve worked with them directly to open up payments in a number of countries. A customer paid from the UK as recently as this morning.

Please either let me know where you are and confirm you have location services enabled, or email me at help@ottoneu.com and we can figure out how to get you renewed.

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I’m unable to renew through Paydala while in Florida. Georgia and S Dakota are my home states. I see no box to key in a state or city on the Paydala site.

Please email help@ottoneu.com if you are having issues renewing.

There are no restrictions around paying in Florida or any other state in the US.

The team at Paydala helped me compile a list of countries they currently support receiving payments from outside the United States:

  • Australia
  • Belgium
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Croatia
  • England
  • France
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Mexico
  • New Zealand
  • Scotland
  • South Korea
  • Spain
  • Wales

While we have had to turn down a couple other country requests, I’ve been able to work with Paydala to allow the vast majority of countries outside the US that have been requested. If where you live is not on this list, shoot me a note at help@ottoneu.com and let’s figure it out!

Hi Niv! Does that also mean they will process prize money payments to those countries, too? Thanks

Paydala can only process withdrawals in the US and Canada.

For the few folks internationally who win prizes, I recommend renewing your team with your prize money or emailing help@ottoneu.com so we can figure something out.

Ottoneu had 0 issues with international players and prizes last season.

Payment from Switzerland is now supported.

Payment from the Republic of Ireland is now supported.