Why now but I need a response

In the Ottonouveau league I got this question just the other day;

  • In Week 9 Surreal Muto scored 632.80 vs. Bad News Bears 630.83. Yet Bad News Bears was credited with a win, their record changing from 6-2 to 7-2 and Surreal Muto was given a loss, changing their record from 2-6 to 2-7.
    How did this happen? Could there have been an MLB scorer’s change after the original scores were posted on that Sunday which changed a few points and shifted the outcome of our match? Can it be made right?

From Surreal Muto on August 20, 2023 8:05 PM

Here is an entire thread about this:

Thanks Niv

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Hi Niv,
This issue does have an impact on our standings and playoffs- can you confirm that the Bad News Bear did bear Surreal Muto in week 9 of Ottonouveau

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Standings and results do not change in the case of a scoring correction after the a game has gone final. That is stated in the thread I shared and in the rules.