First off, I hope you are all doing well and staying safe during this uncertain time. Like I wrote earlier, health is much more important than games. Stay smart and hopefully things will return to normal sooner rather than later.
Today we are extending our refund policy to last until May 15th. Teams in leagues that are not full can withdraw until May 15th with a full refund, and leagues that are canceled will get a full refund up until May 15th. If your league is canceled for 2020, it will not be recovered for 2021.
After May 15th, full refunds for 2020 will no longer be available. However, if there is no MLB season in 2020, we will allow leagues to choose between a refund of their prize pool, minus administrion fees, for the 2020 season and rolling their prize pool over to the 2021 season. We will give more details on these choices if the MLB season is canceled.
New leagues can form any time, and available auction draft dates will be extended to include the first two weeks of the MLB season, whenever it does start.
This year is going to be a trying year for Ottoneu, and we will only survive with your understanding and support. We make all of our revenue from administration fees - there are no ads on the site and we do not sell user data. All of our money goes back into the product, so please keep in mind that Ottoneu would not exist without its users and its community, i.e. you.
I hope you are all safe and healthy. Thank you so much for supporting Ottoneu Fantasy Sports.