Date pickers and date ranges on Standings page

Today we’re rolling out new tools to let you see historical team performance.

When you visit your Standings page, in the top right you can click on the date to bring up a date picker.

You can select any date for that season and see what standings and production were like on that date.

You can also click the “Enable Range Mode” link to see production between two dates.

You can then click either of these dates to see production over a timeframe, as in this Wishlist request.

The range stuff is experimental and may not work for all scoring options. If you notice anything strange, let me know here.

Being able to see historical standings is really neat and building a useful UX around it has been a long time coming. I hope you all find this to be a handy addition to the Ottoneu platform!


Every time I scroll through the standings page it constantly changes ranges and auto-refreshes. I can thus barely scroll in time to get a screenshot of the standings of my league. Quite frustrating - any tips??

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The plugin we use does not play well with the arrow keys. I’ll look into disabling that. In the meantime scrolling on mobile or using a mouse wheel or trackpad or the scrolls bars on the browser’s window should work fine.

Turns out disabling the arrow key stuff was easier than I thought. I had been meaning to do that for a while, so now that is done. You can change dates easily by clicking on the date wherever the date picker is enabled.

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