It seems like we have a little bit of time without real baseball ahead of us, so let’s play some simulated baseball.
I have OOTP21 and have tested out the online league functionality. I think I have a little bit of a handle on it, and I feel pretty confident Ottoneu can provide FTP space for at least 3 online leagues of 15-30 teams each.
I plan on running one league of 15 owners. I am looking for 1 or 2 others who are willing to run their own league. This is what is involved, from what I understand:
- I’ll set up FTP space and send out credentials to the commissioner.
- Commissioner has to set up an online league and enter FTP credentials. They’ll also have to share these credentials with everyone in their league.
- Every so often, as determined by your league, team owners will need to upload their teams to the FTP server and the commissioner will need to “Import all teams from server” and “Upload league files”. Team owners can then download these league files so that everyone is on a shared state. My understanding is that everyone will review their teams results and make their transactions and lineup changes, upload to server, commish downloads and sims a day, everyone downloads and the cycle repeats.
So, I am looking for 1 or 2 other people who are willing to run aforementioned commish duties. Reply here if you are interested with how many total human owners you’re interested in having in your OOTP league, and then we’ll get into league recruiting.