On our first episode, I’m joined by Niv Shah (ottoneu creater/owner) and Chad Young (formerly of RotoGraphs and an ottoneu Grand Slam winner) to talk about the current state of ottoneu , the first year 5x5 Pitchers List league auction, general auction strategy, and Niv and Chad extol the virtues of rotisserie formats.
A special shoutout to @miguel on the Ottoneu Slack community not only for being my very first Patreon patron , but editing this episode after we had some audio sync issues.
Episode 4:
On this week’s episode we return from our pandemic hiatus to discuss the implications of a short MLB season on ottoneu in general and hitter strategy more specifically.
Episode 5: Short Season Pitcher Strategy
On this week’s episode we continue our discussion from last episode and touch on how the short MLB season will affect pitcher strategy in ottoneu.
I’ve subscribed to the Ottobot Podcast and so far it’s great but the audience is mostly experienced owners (I know the position previews are coming). Wondering if @vibbot and team could push a 101 epi for Ottoneubs? Example topics: 1. Would be great to hear from hosts on if they were brand new to the platform, knowing what you know, how would you approach getting started? 2. Draft Prep / Draft Day Tools (I.e. is the surplus calculator useful to a year one draft?, what other tools are on platform that should/could be utilized?) 3. Draft vs. in-season Strategy
Would be cool to hear how you’d approach it if you could time travel back to when you started, leveraging all current tools and resources. Make sense?